News and Information for Chihene Nde Nation of New Mexico.
Stay Tuned for information for the upcoming Annual Gathering Labor Day Weekend 2024
See calendar event for details, information, and updates
Click Here to Check out the Blog with news and updates

In order to continue these events, we humbly request assistance from the membership. We need volunteers to help out in several areas so that not all of the burden and responsibility lies on just a few folks. We need folks to arrive early to help set of camp, help with setting up teepees, those to lend pickup truck and/or pick up portable toilets, haul trailers of supplies, water runs, and recreational furniture, like benches, portable arbors and canopies, etc. We also need folks to help out with cooking and to bring food and supplies for the common kitchen. All of this is a coordinated effort. We will be asking family representative for coordinating with their respective family members to help out during the next annual gathering.
Notice and Protocols
No photographs, video taping or recording devises!
No Alcohol or controlled substance on ceremonial property!
Our traditions and customs are to stay through the entire Ceremony. Like church, we don't leave mass half way. We are praying for all of us and our preservation efforts. All of our prayers together make a difference.
Although we desire for folks to have a joyous and memorable time, we also need to teach those that are not acclimated to the culture that we don't applaud during ceremonies and each ceremony is considered sacred. These events are not intended to be entertainment in the sense of mere performance. These ceremonies are sacred and we are trying to maintain them for future generations as our ancestors would desire us to continue.
Please don't take offense to elders correcting folks and others on the proper protocol and customs. Our intentions are to teach everyone how to properly observe our ways and traditions.
(Elections Held on Even Years per Constitution) The elections of tribal officers and council results will appear on the Governance Section of this site.

2024 Annual Gathering
Additional information to be sent to membership via email - contact membership@chihenendenationofnewmexico.org for questions

Mescalero Apache Tribal Ceremonial & Rodeo
Some CNNNM Membership will be attending the Mescalero Apache Tribal Ceremony & Rodeo
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to consult Council if you plan to attend, to represent the band in a good way

Gila Wilderness & Indigenous Ancestral Homelands
SAVE THE DATE - June 1st at the Mimbres Culture Site

Treaty Day Celebration in Santa Fe, NM
First, members are welcome to join us for the commemoration of the 176th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (“Treaty Day”) on February 2, 2024. The commemoration will be held at the New Mexico State Capitol (Roundhouse) in Santa Fe. There will be various events throughout the day.
High Level Agenda:
8:00 am - 11:00 am: NM Indian Affairs Department: American Indian Day at the Legislature
12:00 pm (noon) with entertainment by Trio CPR until 1:00pm, Treaty Day Celebration/ Land Grant Consejo Meeting
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Chihene Nde Nation of NM, Legislative Meet & Greet Hotel Santa Fe (see flyer for Social Hour information)
Additional Details with Events Agenda can be found here: https://www.nmlegis.gov/Publications/SocialCalendar.htm

2023 Annual Gathering -
See Event Program: Chihene Nde Nation of New Mexico 2023 Annual Gathering Program
Support is always welcome
In order to continue these events, we humbly request assistance from the membership. We need volunteers to help out in several areas so that not all of the burden and responsibility lies on just a few folks. We need folks to arrive early to help set of camp, help with setting up teepees, those to lend pickup truck and/or pick up portable toilets, haul trailers of supplies, water runs, and recreational furniture, like benches, portable arbors and canopies, etc. We also need folks to help out with cooking and to bring food and supplies for the common kitchen. All of this is a coordinated effort. We will be asking family representative for coordinating with their respective family members to help out during the next annual gathering.
Gathering Protocols
No photographs, video taping or recording devises!
No Alcohol or controlled substance on ceremonial property!
Our traditions and customs are to stay through the entire Ceremony. Like church, we don't leave mass half way. We are praying for all of us and our preservation efforts. All of our prayers together make a difference.
Although we desire for folks to have a joyous and memorable time, we also need to teach those that are not acclimated to the culture that we don't applaud during ceremonies and each ceremony is considered sacred. These events are not intended to be entertainment in the sense of mere performance. These ceremonies are sacred and we are trying to maintain them for future generations as our ancestors would desire us to continue.
Please don't take offense to elders correcting folks and others on the proper protocol and customs. Our intentions are to teach everyone how to properly observe our ways and traditions.
(Elections Held on Even Years - See Constitution) The elections of tribal officers and council results will appear on the Governance Section of this site.
14th Annual Gathering - Silver City
14th Annual Gathering - LULAC Hall, Silver City, NM
The location of the meetings and gatherings will be at the LULAC Hall, located at 100 W. Alice Street, Silver City, NM 88061.
Election Rules and Documents Below!
Gathering Logistics:
Friday, August 5, 2022:
1:00 pm- 8:00 pm- Welcoming of Members and Guest
Hamburger, Hotdogs and potluckMeet and Greet
Social Songs
Saturday, August 6, 2022:
9:00 am- Continental Breakfast
9:00 am to 10:00 Meet and Greet
10:00 am to 11:00 am- OCRS Meeting
11:00 am to 2:00 pm-Tribal Activity Allotment (CNNNM Tribe Meeting Agenda).
Noon: Potluck
4:00 pm to 6:00 am- Tribal Elections
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm- Potluck- Elections Results and Installation of Officers.
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm- Social-Hours Songs and blessings. Adjournment.
Election Documents
Click Buttons to access the 2022 Election Documents
Sunday, August 7, 2022:
For those that are staying over and things to do on your own or as a group, tours to Museums, places of interests (TBA)
Support is always welcome
In order to continue these events, we humbly request assistance from the membership. We need volunteers to help out in several areas so that not all of the burden and responsibility lies on just a few folks. We need folks to arrive early to help set of camp, help with setting up teepees, those to lend pickup truck and/or pick up portable toilets, haul trailers of supplies, water runs, and recreational furniture, like benches, portable arbors and canopies, etc. We also need folks to help out with cooking and to bring food and supplies for the common kitchen. All of this is a coordinated effort. We will be asking family representative for coordinating with their respective family members to help out during the next annual gathering.
Gathering Protocols
No photographs, video taping or recording devises!
No Alcohol or controlled substance on ceremonial property!
Our traditions and customs are to stay through the entire Ceremony. Like church, we don't leave mass half way. We are praying for all of us and our preservation efforts. All of our prayers together make a difference.
Although we desire for folks to have a joyous and memorable time, we also need to teach those that are not acclimated to the culture that we don't applaud during ceremonies and each ceremony is considered sacred. These events are not intended to be entertainment in the sense of mere performance. These ceremonies are sacred and we are trying to maintain them for future generations as our ancestors would desire us to continue.
Please don't take offense to elders correcting folks and others on the proper protocol and customs. Our intentions are to teach everyone how to properly observe our ways and traditions.
The elections of tribal officers and council results will appear on the Governance Section of this site.
[TENTATIVE] Tribal and OCRS Meeting
Meeting to be in Anthony or Las Cruces, NM
12th and 13th Annual Gathering were postponed due to the pandemic!
We will provide updates on upcoming event once this pandemic as been subdued.
In order to continue these events, we humbly request assistance from the membership. We need volunteers to help out in several areas so that not all of the burden and responsibility lies on just a few folks. We need folks to arrive early to help set of camp, help with setting up teepees, those to lend pickup truck and/or pick up portable toilets, haul trailers of supplies, water runs, and recreational furniture, like benches, portable arbors and canopies, etc. We also need folks to help out with cooking and to bring food and supplies for the common kitchen. All of this is a coordinated effort. We will be asking family representative for coordinating with their respective family members to help out during the next annual gathering.
Gathering Protocols
No photographs, video taping or recording devises!
No Alcohol or controlled substance on ceremonial property!
Our traditions and customs are to stay through the entire Ceremony. Like church, we don't leave mass half way. We are praying for all of us and our preservation efforts. All of our prayers together make a difference.
Although we desire for folks to have a joyous and memorable time, we also need to teach those that are not acclimated to the culture that we don't applaud during ceremonies and each ceremony is considered sacred. These events are not intended to be entertainment in the sense of mere performance. These ceremonies are sacred and we are trying to maintain them for future generations as our ancestors would desire us to continue.
Please don't take offense to elders correcting folks and others on the proper protocol and customs. Our intentions are to teach everyone how to properly observe our ways and traditions.
The elections of tribal officers and council results will appear on the Governance Section of this site.
[TBD] Treaty Day - Tribal Meeting
[TBD] Treaty Day - Tentative Tribal Meeting, Gallup or Santa Fe
A February 2nd is treaty day celebrating is celebrating the Is 1848 treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Chihene Nde Nation of New Mexico Tribal Council Meeting
Chihene Nde Nation of New Mexico
Tribal Council Meeting Agenda
September 25, 2021 at 11:00AM
204 W Coal Ave Gallup, NM 87301

OCRS Board Meeting (Closed to Public)
For those of you that are unable to attend the physical meeting in Gallup over the weekend

COVID-19 UP DATE- 12th Annual Gathering- To be Postponed due to the pandemic!
We will provide updates on upcoming event once this pandemic as been subdued.
In order to continue these events, we humbly request assistance from the membership. We need volunteers to help out in several areas so that not all of the burden and responsibility lies on just a few folks. We need folks to arrive early to help set of camp, help with setting up teepees, those to lend pickup truck and/or pick up portable toilets, haul trailers of supplies, water runs, and recreational furniture, like benches, portable arbors and canopies, etc. We also need folks to help out with cooking and to bring food and supplies for the common kitchen. All of this is a coordinated effort. We will be asking family representative for coordinating with their respective family members to help out during the next annual gathering.
1. No photographs, video taping or recording devises!
2. No Alcohol or controlled substance on ceremonial property!
3. Our traditions and customs are to stay through the entire Ceremony. Like church, we don't leave mass half way. We are praying for all of us and our preservation efforts. All of our prayers together make a difference. 4. Although we desire for folks to have a joyous and memorable time, we also need to teach those that are not acclimated to the culture that we don't applaud during ceremonies and each ceremony is considered sacred. These events are not intended to be entertainment in the sense of mere performance. These ceremonies are sacred and we are trying to maintain them for future generations as our ancestors would desire us to continue. 5. Please don't take offense to elders correcting folks and others on the proper protocol and customs. Our intentions are to teach everyone how to properly observe our ways and traditions.
6. The elections of tribal officers and council results will appear on the Governance Section of this site.